기사입력 2013-04-01 08:21기사수정 2013-04-01 08:38


서류전형에서 번번히 탈락하는 데는 이유가 있다. 이력서에 회사명을 잘못 기재하거나, 베낀 티가 확 나는 자기소개서는 탈락 1순위인 것으로 조사됐다.

1일 취업포털 사람인이 기업 인사담당자 274명을 대상으로 '평가에 가장 치명적인 이력서 상의 실수'를 조사한 결과, 이같이 나타났다.

평가에 가장 치명적인 이력서 상의 실수로는 '회사명 잘못 기재'가 17.9%로 1위를 차지했다. 이어 '제출서류 미첨부'(15.3%). '학력 등 항목 누락'(13.5%), '사진 미부착'(13.1%), '지원분야 잘못 기재'(12%), '맞춤법 틀림'(6.9%) 등의 순이었다. 실제로 지원자의 이력서 상의 실수에 대해 66.4%가 '감점 처리'한다고 밝혔으며, '무조건 탈락'시키는 기업은 14.6%였다.

그렇다면, 가장 부정적인 평가를 받는 자기소개서 유형은 무엇일까?

베낀 티가 확 나는 △'복사기형'(16.4%)을 첫 번째로 꼽았다. 계속해서 다른 회사용으로 작성한 것 같은 △'돌려막기형'(14.6%), 상투적인 표현으로 가득한 △'뻔할뻔자형'(13.1%), 지원회사에 대한 구체적인 언급이 없는 △'두루뭉실형'(12.4%), 구체적인 사례가 없이 추상적인 내용으로 끝나는 △'뜬구름형'(11.7%) 등의 응답이 이어졌다.

반면, 솔직하고 진솔한 자신만의 이야기를 서술한 △'솔직담백형'(28.5%)은 가장 좋은 평가를 준다고 답했다. 다음으로 단문 위주로 핵심만 뽑아 읽기 좋게 작성한 △'핵심형'(16.4%), 이력서에서 기재한 강점을 명확하게 강조한 △'어필형'(13.1%), 지원한 기업과 업무에 대한 애정이 녹아있는 △'애정형'(11.7%), 기업의 인재상과 부합하는 부분을 어필한 △'워너비형'(11.3%) 등이 있었다.

사람인 임민욱 팀장은 "모든 일에는 기본이 가장 중요하다. 취업의 첫 관문인 서류전형을 통과하는 것도 마찬가지이다. 잘 보이기 위해 과하게 포장하기 보다는 자신만의 경험을 녹여낸 진솔한 이야기를 전달하는 것이 더 큰 경쟁력이 된다. 또한, 실수를 방지하기 위해 이력서 항목 별로 꼼꼼히 점검하는 것도 필요하다"고 말했다.

yccho@fnnews.com 조용철 기자



Financial News. http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent0601m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=201304010100005420000006&cDateYear=2013&cDateMonth=04&cDateDay=01 

Posted by White Joker
K모바일 민지희 기자 news@kmobile.co.kr

직장인 10명 중 9명은 신입사원 시절 실수를 저지른 경험이 있는 것으로 나타났다.

사람인(대표 이정근)이 직장인 1,173명을 대상으로 ‘신입사원 시절 실수’라는 주제로 설문을 진행한 결과, 89.3%가 실수한 경험이 있었으며, 저질렀던 실수로는 ‘잘못된 방향으로 업무 진행’(31.8%, 복수응답)이 1위를 차지했다.

뒤이어 ‘전화 응대 실수’(26.7%), ‘메일 발송 시 첨부, 수신처 등을 틀림’(23.2%), ‘호칭, 직급 등 잘못 부름’(21.4%), ‘사수 거치지 않고 바로 상부에 보고’(20.6%), ‘임원, 타 부서 직원 못 알아봄’(20.2%), ‘쇼핑, 웹서핑 등 업무 중 딴짓 들통’(16.3%), ‘잦은 지각 등 근태 불량’(11.7%) 등의 순이었다.

실수 후 대응 방법으로는 절반이 넘는 55.7%(복수응답)가 ‘즉시 실수를 인정하고 용서를 구했다’라고 답했다. 이밖에 ‘사수, 상사 등 주변에 도움을 요청했다’(27.3%), ‘수습 방법을 찾아 스스로 해결했다’(26.6%), ‘당시 실수인지 몰라 그냥 넘겼다’(20%) 등의 응답이 있었다.

그렇다면 신입사원 시절을 돌이켜 보면 어떤 생각이 들까?
무려 96.9%가 신입사원 시절 후회하는 부분이 있었으며, 그 내용으로는 ‘자기계발을 꾸준히 하지 못한 것’(56.8%, 복수응답)을 첫 번째로 꼽았다. 다음으로 ‘미래 계획을 세우지 못한 것’(35.5%), ‘재테크 등 금전 관리를 철저히 못한 것’(33.1%), ‘체력 등 자기관리에 소홀했던 것’(26.1%), ‘경력관리를 하지 않은 것’(25.2%), ‘사내 대인관계에 신경 쓰지 못한 것’(18.8%) 등을 후회하고 있었다.

한편, 신입사원들에게 해주고 싶은 직장생활 관련 조언으로는 20.8%가 ‘모르면 알 때까지 묻고 또 물어라’를 1순위로 선택했다. 계속해서 ‘자신감을 가져라’(14.1%), ‘꼼꼼하게 체크하는 습관을 길러라’(12.8%), ‘모두가 너를 평가하고 있음을 기억해라’(10.7%), ‘실수나 잘못은 빨리 보고해라’(8%) 등의 조언이 이어졌다.

사람인의 임민욱 팀장은 “신입사원은 모든 것이 처음인 만큼 한 번 실수는 대부분 이해해주지만, 실수가 반복되면 그것은 실력이다”라며 “실수를 했다면 반드시 원인과 개선점에 대해 고민하고 반복하지 않도록 해 자신을 성장시키는 기회로 삼는 것이 중요하다”라고 덧붙였다.
12-03-21 16:00

Posted by White Joker

Retailer Fights to Protect Squad's Trademark; Putting Rivals—and a Priest—on Notice

Geek has gone from a term used to describe socially-maladjusted loves of Commodore computers to suddenly cool. But be careful how you sling the word around: you may just hear from Best Buy's lawyers. Simon Constable and Spencer Ante discuss. Photo: Dan Janasik.

Just a few decades ago, a geek was a carnival freak who bit the heads off of chickens and rats.

Then geek became a catchall word for socially maladjusted individuals who loved Commodore 64 computers more than fresh air.

Now geek is a term of endearment among acolytes of technology, imbued with golden marketing potential. Just how cool is geek? Any dweeb who dares to use the word in the computer business just might hear from Best Buy's lawyers.

The world's largest electronics chain recently threatened online rival Newegg.com with legal action, arguing that its Geek On advertising slogan sounded too similar to Best Buy's cartoonishly nerdy tech support service, Geek Squad.

Newegg responded by posting the cease-and-desist letter on Facebook this month—and self-described geeks everywhere blasted Best Buy for trying to commandeer a common word that has enjoyed a bigger metamorphosis than the ugly duckling.

"They're using their size to bully people around," Dan Bates, a 28-year-old networking professional and veteran World of Warcraft computer gamer from Florida, says of Best Buy. "It makes them look a bit desperate."

Best Buy says it isn't persecuting geeks, just narrowly defending its Geek Squad trademark against overzealous competitors. "It is not just the word geek, it is the word geek with orange and black coloration" that puts Newegg over the line, says a Best Buy spokeswoman.

Whatever the case, it's clear that Best Buy is no wallflower when it comes to defending its claim to geekdom—the latest in a recent spate involving a number of companies of what critics have dubbed "trademark bullying" cases.


The Richfield, Minn., company has disputed more than a dozen geek-themed trademarks in the past decade, federal records show, including Rent a Geek, Geek Rescue and Speak With A Geek.

Last year, it sent a letter to a Wisconsin priest who had put "God Squad" in a logo reminiscent of the Geek Squad's on the side of his Volkswagen beetle, the same kind of car driven by Best Buy's repairmen.

"I was extremely surprised. We were just doing this as a way to spread the gospel in a humorous way," says the Rev. Luke Strand, who says he has "tried to move on."

Best Buy says the dispute was resolved amicably after the company offered to remove the logo from the priest's car and pay his legal fees.

"Geek has become a term that suggests you are knowledgeable. It means you are very good at something very important in society, and I don't think that geek can be exclusive to anyone," says Dave Ehlke, another geek who faced Best Buy's legal department in 2004 when the retailer sought to stop his Massachusetts repair business from using the name Geek Housecalls.

Mr. Ehlke prevailed, but victory came at a price. "It cost us a lot of money to defend it, a lot for a small company," he adds, declining to elaborate.

Many geeks who scoffed at Best Buy's cease-and-desist letter on Facebook surmised that the company was really miffed about a recent Newegg commercial which might have hit too close to home.

The spot, which aired on cable television and the Web, shows a clueless blue-shirted store salesman stammering and shrugging when a customer asks him to explain the difference between two laptops.

It then touts Newegg as a website where shoppers can read reviews from fellow customers who actually know what they are talking about, and flashes the slogan, "Take it from a Geek."

The commercial never mentions Best Buy by name—though its work force wears very similar blue shirts—but the retailer raised it in its legal letter to Newegg, claiming it depicts Best Buy workers as "slovenly."

Newegg responded with a legal missive of its own asserting that "Best Buy neither owns nor has exclusive rights to the word 'Geek'." Then it added a disclaimer to its commercial: "It is solely intended to parody business establishments that provide poor customer service (but none in particular)."

While the commercial received little airtime, it has now been viewed more than 530,000 times on YouTube, with most coming after Best Buy drew attention to it. Geeks cite it as the latest example of the "Streisand Effect," a phenomenon named for Barbra Streisand, who unwittingly spurred Internet users to download aerial photos of her Malibu mansion after unsuccessfully suing a photographer in 2003 to have the pictures taken down.

Lee Cheng, Newegg's general counsel, is still chuckling over the "slovenly" reference: "That is not a word anyone should use—unless they want a wedgie."

Robert Stephens, who founded Geek Squad in 1994 while studying computer science at the University of Minnesota—calling his repairmen "agents" and dressing them in black-and-white uniforms modeled after workers in NASA's mission control in the 1960s—says the "Streisand Effect is real" for Best Buy. However, Mr. Stephens, who is now Best Buy's chief technology officer, said the company had no choice but to act.

Best Buy, which acquired Geek Squad nearly a decade ago, has relented in letting school chess clubs call themselves geek squads. But companies that don't aggressively defend trademarks, even against seemingly innocuous intrusions, risk having courts decide that they abandoned the trademarks later when more substantive disputes crop up, Mr. Stephens says, echoing an argument well hewn by trademark lawyers.

That was one of the reasons Mr. Stephens says Best Buy objected when "Chuck," an NBC comedy about a computer savant who becomes entangled in espionage, wanted to use Geek Squad as its setting. The character wound up working for a "Nerd Herd" tech-support service at retailer "Burbank Buy More."

Mr. Stephens jokes that he and his ilk are a unique human subspecies: He calls it malodorous technophilus and says it originated in Silicon Valley.

But he turns serious on the subject of the geek-to-chic evolution, saying it was a fait accompli the moment Forbes declared Bill Gates the world's richest man in 1993.

"Geeks are like modern-day monks, but instead of poring over manuscripts we were reading computer manuals," he says. "Now we're the normal ones."


Posted by White Joker